Saturday, September 22, 2012

Why hornets sting people

Here's are Joseph Hornberger's thoughts and sympathies for those who antagonize hornets:

It really is difficult to support idiots who go around poking into hornet nests, and expecting the hornets to thank them for doing so.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Still trust governments?

An article confirming a program that most people refuse to believe would ever be used against them:

An Important Landmark (or futile blip?)

At least Italy remembers its morals, manners, laws and treaty obligations.

I hope this is the start of a trend.  If only Canada would join in.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Afghanistan is less despotic than the US!

Glenn Greenwald points out the horrible irony being played out in the US over the 'lock 'em up without a trial and throw away the key' provisions in the new NDAA.

Prisoners have more right under Afghan laws than they would in the good old USA today.  So much for the shining beacon on the hill myth wrt America as an example of justice, rule of law and individual freedoms.

Canada will probably not be far behind now that the CIA and FBI have been given the right to arrest folks inside Canada by Harper in the recent omnibus bill.  More restrictions will inevitably follow in the one currently being introduced sans debate in Parliament.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The next 'free' trade agreement will cost us Billions

Here's the scoop on the next pile of BS our governments are preparing for us at the behest of international corporations:

Of particular importance is the part wherein the new TPP prevents member countries from instituting any regulations that the companies do not like.  My bet is that Canada's water will be owned by corporations, not Canadian governments, within twenty years.

Back to the days of one hot bath a month.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


An article in the American Conservative discusses an essay on executive power in the US versus the constitution that created the country.

Worthwhile reading.  More worthwhile discussing amongst yourselves.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Introducing Rocky Anderson ...

... a soon-to-be-vilified independent candidate for the US presidency.

I just ran across this article which presents his views on several topics of interest:

Keep an eye out for news about him.  He is like a humanist's version of Ron Paul, and will be studiously ignored by main stream media and both the democratic and republican parties, despite the truth of what he says.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9/11 lessons for us all

A handy set of facts for your consideration:

So much government BS to wade through every day.  It gets discouraging.

Depravity summarized

Jonathan Turley reminds us of how childish we once were to believe in justice:

Today's tough guys sneer at the Nuremberg legal precedents and principles. Welcome to the second coming of the Dark Ages, where might is right and reason and learning are for sissies.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Another Harper blight on canada's recordbook

The Iran embassy debacle is clearly outlined in this article, which you would not likely see in any North American newspaper:

How is it that this bonehead runs Canada?  He acts like we are already the 51st state of the USA.

The signboard of the new dictatorship

Just in case you were not aware of it, democracy disappeared at the Democratic convention last week during (most appropriately) the god/jerusalem vote.  Consider Justin Raimondo's discussion of the event:

You should watch the videos of this to see the actual sham vote yourself.  Exercise your google skills to find the relevant videos.

There is no way for the individual to get his vote recorded any more, not even within the so-called Democratic Party.  This is no slippery slope, this is free fall.